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Where's the Safety?

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

Hello Neighbours,

Hope we all are having a safe and wonderful first week of school so far. Many of you know me from the petitions and deputation to put raised intersections, elevated crosswalks, speed humps and speed radar ticketing on our streets in Ward 4 (Summerlyn and Dreamfields sub-divisions area). I personally went to so many homes and received so many signatures and sentiment feedback to effectively effect change where we live.

I actually learned about the election from homeowners as they asked me to be a voice for them, since my ability and selflessness to put the time in to provide council with research, sentiment and facts pertaining to safer streets was something I was already working so hard for. I was even chased down one street from another person saying "I beat them to it". I'm sorry - but what I did for our community wasn't for political gain as some people are now trying to use it as.... I WAS FIGHTING FOR SOMETHING TO BE DONE (like many other residents) For YEARS. When enough is enough - we the people who pay taxes needed to have our voicers heard and packaged to ensure we can get a safer community where we live. The more we push for better standards the better.

So as I learned about the election, and the neighbourhoods asking me to be their voice for safer residential roads and other issues pertaining to safety, I began to dig deeper into thew safety concerns we all have.

URGENT: I was advised that we have only 1 fully staffed FT fire truck that can be on service at any given time? This is so alarming that our first responders from accidents, fire, trauma, and often health related crises have 1 truck! That mean if two incidences happen at the same time - someone is not getting life saving support. THIS IS ALARMING! We need more funding for this critical public service, as we have additional vehicles - we just need more experienced person power.


Our police services and other staff are some of the best people, but we cant expect them to be everywhere, especially since we are under the standards for the quota for police, fire and civil workers in Bradford per capita. Our tax dollars are VERY HIGH and are not proportionately spent here in Bradford. We are having fatal crashes, unprecedented speeding on residential roads and murders in our core area. We MUST focus on safety first and foremost.

As a father, Son, Coach, Neighbour and Friend - we should be VERY CONCERNED about this.

The future is here!

Electric scooters, bikes as well as other traditional recreational vehicles are so popular around the world - and Bradford is no exception. We need tails and paths to be marked for safe travels on feeder roads and main roads to ensure the sidewalks are used for the intended use.

I'm asking for you to consider a vote for me - as this is what not just your councillor for our ward should be fighting for (AND NOT JUST NOW COMING AORUND NOW THAT THERE IS A ELECTION). With the right councillors and mayor - we will change the spending and priorities to BENEFIT all of us, so we can have SAFETY WHERE WE LIVE™.

If you have questions - Call or email me!

Vote for me to: LOVE WHERE WE LIVE™

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